
Email: bernie@supportivity.co.uk
Mobile: +44 (0)7730 216214
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Empowering business success

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Can it really be that Supportivity is now one year old? What an exciting time it has been. When I reflect on the Supportivity journey, I can see so much has happened.

New Clients

Supportivity has taken on a number of new and varied clients in the SME sector. These have included construction, air conditioning, painting and decorating, care homes and I.T. consultancies. All have different requirements, from employee development programmes, coaching and mentoring employees, to producing contracts and handbooks that meet the needs of their business.



Existing Clients

Supportivity has continued to sustain and develop solid partnerships with its existing clients, who in turn are looking to grow and develop their business though their people. A number of training and development programmes are being undertaken. One major programme has been looking at the values within a business and their impact on growing and promoting the company brand. Business values are like sowing the seeds in a garden and watching them nurture and nourish as employees live and breathe these values in their everyday working life. Such a programme must also involve SME employees, to show that their values are also the company’s values.


Supportivity has (through various networking events) built up a number of alliances with various SME’s where there are opportunities to benefit each other’s business. One such alliance is with Richard Sumner from Spreadsheet Solutions, where by working together we have developed 360 appraisal, performance appraisal and succession planning tools that will support SME’s in empowering business success.

Continuing the Journey  

Supportivity recognises that the journey of growth and development in its business is a never ending one. The joy and pleasure you get from working with other businesses is being able to passionately support business owners and their employees. This will always be the Supportivity mantra. 

Here’s to the year ahead and to wish all you SME’s ongoing success!


Bernie O’Keeffe

Prime Supporter


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